Web2rism Services

Web2rism is able to offer services for the measurement of reputation in online destinations and accommodations.
The services include work done by qualified researchers specifically trained to interpret the data emerged and it includes:

  • Reporting on hotels and accommodations: The reports on hotels and accommodation facilities include the analysis of Internet sites both with UGC and not UGC content. The analysis is able to provide a detailed picture of how the structure is perceived by users in terms of cleanliness, location, quality of services and provide also an overall situation of the territorial area concerned in relation to competitors’ behaviour and perception.
    View an example here.
  • Reporting for tourism destinations: The reporting for tourism destinations include the analysis of Internet sites with UGC content aimed at obtaining an indicator of the level of perception of a reputation directly from users. A single target is then analyzed by recurrence of context-specific keywords associated with it taking in the major blogs, social networks, wikis and booking engines to then provide a final report on the basis of sentiment analysis of users. View an example here